Gallery A
1. Self-Portrait, 1921, Oil on canvas, 53.5×45.5
2. Easter Parade for Shosetsu Shincho, 1963, Watercolor on paper, 15.0×14.7
3. Shinjoen Test Print, March 1948, Printed matter, 25.0×33.8
4. Shinjoen Test Print, June 1948, Printed matter, 25.6×33.4
5. Shinjoen Test Print, August 1948, Printed matter, 27.0×35.8
6. Dress Making Poster, July 1959, Printed matter, 37.3×53.0
7. Dress Making Poster, September 1959, Printed matter, 37.3×53.0
8. Parade (A), 1965, Acrylic on paper, 100.2×75.3
9. Parade (B), 1965, Acrylic on paper, 100.2×75.3
10. Title Unknown, 1960, Ink on paper, 29.9×22.3
11. Title Unknown, 1960, Acrylic on paper, 29.9×22.3
12. Title Unknown, 1960, Ink on paper, 29.9×22.3
13. Building and a Nude, 1990, Acrylic on canvas, 126.5×96.0
14. Bird's Association, 1986, Acrylic on paper, 58.5×44.5
15. Window, 1977, Acrylic on paper, 73.8×54.8
16. Window, 1977, Acrylic on paper, 72.7×53.6
17. Windows, 1981, Acrylic on paper, 74.8×55.4
18. Windows, 1981, Acrylic on paper, 74.8×55.3
19. Seven Windows, 1981, Acrylic on paper, 61.0×44.4
20. Monumental Window, 1981, Acrylic on paper, 61.0×44,4
21. Five Windows, 1981, Acrylic on paper, 59.5×44.4
22. Windows, 1986, Acrylic on paper, 58.3×44.4
23. Easter, 1960, 24min. 56sec.
24. Easter{only the beautiful girls and hats ②}, 1962, 4min. 32sec.
25. Risa Couple The Road to Narcissus Garden, 1962, 4min. 40sec.
26. On the way home from Narcissus Garden, Highway+Under the Bridge, 1962, 4min. 38sec.
27. Road, Just the Road, 1963, 4min. 35sec.
28. Bill's Car, Pop-Art, Twilight Highway, 1964, 4min. 52sec.
29. Bill's Car ②, Highway, YanKee Stadium, 1964, 4min. 41sec.
30. Palm Tree and House, from the JAL Airplane, 1969, 4min. 35sec.
31. Road, from Home (95st.), House across the Street, Inside the Room, 1962, 4min. 32sec.
32. Flower Day, End, Easter, Good Citizen Day ①, 1963, 2min. 23sec.
33. Good Citizen Day, Girls, Baton, Bad Youth, 1963, 4min. 46sec.
34. Nobuko Appears, 1963, 4min. 45sec.
35. End of Citizen Day, Sprinkler Truck, Beginning of Bill's Car, 1963, 4min. 41sec.
36. Frank Sherman, His Nephew and Fumiko Walking Down the Street, 1960, 4min. 11sec.
37. Seagram Building, New York, Landscape, Height and Width,1963, 4min. 56sec.
38. Snow, 1967, 3min. 50sec.
*23-27, 29-38 are shot by Genichiro Inokuma.
Gallery B
39. Windows, 1984, Acrylic on canvas, 194.0×130.3
40. Four Squares, 1977, Acrylic on paper, 72.3×55.5
41. Blue Square White Circles, 1977, Acrylic, pencil on paper, 73.8×54.4
42. Circles and Their Company, 1977, Acrylic on paper, 73.9×54.6
43. White Slash, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 74.9×54.7
44. Squares in the Circles, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 72.3×56.3
45. Four Circles Alive, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 74.7×54.8
46. Two Spaces, 1977, Acrylic on paper, 71.8×55.6
47. World of Green Holizon and Circles, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 73.2×54.8
48. 6 Spaces, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 74.5×55.5
49. Handshaking between Squares and Circles, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 74.8×54.9
50. Community of Squares, 1978, Acrylic on paper, 74.8×54.8
51. Report from the Sky, 1984, Acrylic, ink and pencil on paper, 60.0×45.0
52. Map not a Map (C), 1978, Acrylic on canvas, 122.0×86.7
53. Map not a Map (E), 1978, Acrylic on canvas, 111.8×96.5
54. The Power to Fly, 1978, Acrylic on canvas, 136.3×122.0
55. Transparent City, 1978, Acrylic on canvas, 136.0×122.2
56. Map not a Map, 1978, Acrylic on canvas, 194.0×182.0
57. 43 Faces (B), 1989, Acrylic on canvas, 116.7×91.0
58. 71 Faces, 1989, Acrylic on canvas, 135.9×121.4
59. Square and Circle, 1963, Oil on canvas, 203.4×127.0
60. Landscape "F", 1971, Watercolor on paper, 101.3×75.9